Your facility’s rooftop can provide you much more than protection from weather. Gordian Energy Systems will turn your roof into a high performance financial asset. Solar can improve the property’s net operating income and net cash flow over the 25+ year warranted life of the system.
Also, Solar can provide an attractive reason for tenants to stay in their commercial space, thus increasing the net present value of the property.
There are significant Federal and State incentives available, thus improving ROI and payback time for your investment.
With a solar roof system, your employees, clients and supporters will be proud of your enterprise’s commitment to the environment and clean, renewable energy.
Gordian Energy Systems has more than 100 years of commercial roofing experience due to our shared leadership with Cole Roofing Company. (www.coleroofing.com). A top priority is to provide the potential solar array owner with an honest assessment of the roof and structure’s condition and fitness for a solar project. With an over 25 year solar project life experience, the roof must be in good shape to host the solar array.
Our combination of trusted commercial roof systems and quality Solar PV installations provide a client with an unmatched combination of skills and experience.