Harnessing the Sun: Native Americans Leading the Way in Solar Farm Initiatives

In recent years, the global shift towards renewable energy has gained momentum, with solar power emerging as a frontrunner in the quest for sustainability. While many communities are embracing solar technology, there’s one group that’s been quietly leading the charge: Native American tribes across the United States. In a powerful display of innovation, stewardship, and self-determination, several Native American communities have embarked on the journey of building their own solar farms, not only to harness clean energy but also to create economic opportunities and uphold their cultural values.

Historically, Native American tribes have long held a deep reverence for the land and its resources, viewing themselves as stewards rather than owners. This inherent respect for the environment has fueled their commitment to renewable energy initiatives, including solar power. By harnessing the abundant energy of the sun, these communities are not only reducing their carbon footprint but also honoring their cultural heritage and ancestral connection to the land.

One such example is the Moapa Band of Paiutes in Nevada, who made headlines with the construction of the Moapa Southern Paiute Solar Project. Situated on tribal land, this expansive solar farm generates clean energy to power thousands of homes while providing economic opportunities for tribal members. More than just a source of electricity, the project represents a triumph of self-sufficiency and resilience for the Moapa Paiutes, who have long battled the environmental and health impacts of nearby coal-fired power plants.

Similarly, the Campo Kumeyaay Nation in California has embraced solar energy as a means of economic empowerment and environmental stewardship. Through initiatives like the Campo Indian Land Solar Project, the tribe has leveraged its natural resources to create jobs, generate revenue, and reduce reliance on fossil fuels. In doing so, they’re not only contributing to the fight against climate change but also reclaiming control over their energy future.

What sets these Native American-led solar farm initiatives apart is their holistic approach, which goes beyond mere energy production to encompass community development, cultural preservation, and environmental justice. By taking ownership of renewable energy projects on their lands, tribes are reclaiming sovereignty and asserting their right to self-determination in the face of centuries of marginalization and exploitation.

Moreover, these initiatives serve as powerful examples of how renewable energy can be a catalyst for social and economic change, particularly in underserved and marginalized communities. By investing in solar power, Native American tribes are not only reducing energy costs and creating jobs but also empowering future generations with the knowledge and skills to thrive in a rapidly evolving world.

As the world grapples with the urgent need to transition to a more sustainable energy future, the leadership shown by Native American tribes in building their own solar farms serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration. By harnessing the power of the sun, these communities are not only lighting the way towards a cleaner, brighter future but also reclaiming their rightful place as stewards of the land. It’s a powerful reminder that when we work in harmony with nature and each other, the possibilities are as boundless as the sun itself.

Illuminating Solar Power: Understanding Ohm’s Law and Its Application in Solar Energy Systems

At its core, Ohm’s Law is a fundamental principle of electricity that describes the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance in an electrical circuit. Formulated by German physicist Georg Simon Ohm in the early 19th century, the law states that the current (I) flowing through a conductor between two points is directly proportional to the voltage (V) across the two points and inversely proportional to the resistance (R) of the conductor.

Mathematically, Ohm’s Law is expressed by the equation:

V = I x R


V = Voltage (measured in volts)

I = Current (measured in amperes)

R = Resistance (measured in ohms)

Now, how does this relate to solar energy systems? Let’s break it down.

Voltage (V): In a solar energy system, voltage refers to the electrical potential difference between two points – typically, the voltage output of the solar panels. Solar panels generate direct current (DC) electricity, which is then converted into alternating current (AC) by inverters for use in homes, businesses, and the electrical grid.

Current (I): Current represents the flow of electric charge through a circuit – in this case, the flow of electrons from the solar panels through the electrical system. The amount of current produced by solar panels depends on factors such as sunlight intensity, panel orientation, and system design.

Resistance (R): Resistance refers to the opposition encountered by the flow of current in a circuit. While solar panels themselves have minimal internal resistance, other components in the system, such as wiring, connectors, and inverters, can contribute to overall resistance.

By applying Ohm’s Law to solar energy systems, we can gain insights into their performance, efficiency, and design considerations. For example:

Voltage Drop: Ohm’s Law helps us understand voltage drop – the reduction in voltage that occurs as current flows through a circuit with resistance. Minimizing resistance in the electrical system ensures that the voltage output of the solar panels reaches its intended destination without significant loss.

Sizing Components: When designing a solar energy system, understanding Ohm’s Law allows us to properly size components such as wires, fuses, and inverters to accommodate the expected voltage and current levels. By matching the system’s electrical characteristics to the components’ specifications, we ensure optimal performance and safety.

Optimizing Efficiency: By reducing resistance and maximizing current flow, we can enhance the efficiency of solar energy systems, thereby maximizing power output and minimizing energy losses. This involves considerations such as selecting high-quality components, optimizing system layout, and minimizing shading or obstructions that can impede sunlight.

Ohm’s Law serves as a foundational principle in understanding the behavior of electricity in solar energy systems. By applying this law, engineers and installers can optimize system performance, ensure safety, and unlock the full potential of solar power. As we continue to harness the sun’s energy to power our world, Ohm’s Law remains a guiding light, illuminating the path towards a cleaner, more sustainable future.

The Significance of Completing Commercial Solar Projects on Time

Completing a commercial solar project on time is of utmost importance in today’s fast-paced and competitive world. The benefits of solar energy are well-known, from reducing energy costs to promoting sustainability. However, the timely completion of these projects is crucial to ensure businesses can start reaping these benefits as soon as possible. Not only does it demonstrate professionalism and reliability, but it also allows companies to capitalize on the financial advantages and avoid disruptions to their daily operations.

Delays in commercial solar projects can have a significant impact on businesses. One of the most obvious consequences is the delay in reaping the financial benefits of solar energy. By completing these projects on time, businesses can immediately start enjoying reduced utility bills and potential tax incentives. Every day of delay means additional expenses on traditional energy sources. The longer it takes to complete the project, the longer it will take for businesses to see a return on their investment.

In addition to the financial implications, delays in commercial solar projects can also disrupt a company’s daily operations. Installation and construction processes can cause disruptions, leading to costly downtime and inconvenience. This can affect productivity, customer satisfaction, and overall business performance. By completing the project on time, businesses can minimize these disruptions and ensure a smooth transition to solar energy.

Factors such as weather conditions, availability of materials, and workforce availability can all affect the completion time of commercial solar projects. Adverse weather conditions, such as heavy rain or extreme temperatures, can delay construction work. Similarly, if there is a shortage of solar panels or other necessary materials, it can cause delays in the project. Additionally, the availability of skilled workforce and coordination among different stakeholders also play a crucial role in timely completion.

To ensure the timely completion of commercial solar projects, businesses can implement various strategies. Proper planning and project management are essential. This includes setting realistic deadlines, creating a detailed timeline, and allocating resources effectively. Regular monitoring and evaluation of the project’s progress are also critical to identify any potential roadblocks and take necessary corrective measures.

Effective communication is another vital component of timely project completion. Clear and transparent communication among stakeholders, such as project managers, contractors, and suppliers, ensures everyone is on the same page and working towards the common goal of completing the project on time. Regular updates, progress reports, and meetings can help keep everyone informed and aligned.

Project management techniques specific to commercial solar projects can also contribute to timely completion. This includes efficient resource allocation, proper scheduling of tasks, and diligent tracking of project milestones. Leveraging technology, such as project management software and communication tools, can streamline processes and improve collaboration among different teams and individuals involved in the project.

Despite the best efforts, challenges may arise during the completion of commercial solar projects. Some common challenges include unforeseen technical issues, changes in regulations or permits, and unexpected delays in the delivery of materials. By being proactive and having contingency plans in place, businesses can navigate these challenges more effectively and minimize their impact on the project timeline.

To illustrate the importance and feasibility of completing commercial solar projects on time, let’s look at a few case studies. These real-life examples demonstrate how businesses successfully managed and completed their solar projects within the specified timelines. Each case study highlights the strategies, project management techniques, and effective communication practices that contributed to their timely completion. By learning from these examples, businesses can gain insights and apply similar approaches to their own projects.

In conclusion, completing commercial solar projects on time is essential for businesses to maximize the financial benefits of solar energy and ensure operational efficiency. Timely completion demonstrates professionalism, reliability, and a commitment to meeting deadlines. It allows businesses to capitalize on reduced utility bills, potential tax incentives, and a positive brand image. By implementing strategic planning, effective communication, and project management techniques, businesses can overcome challenges and achieve timely completion of commercial solar projects. So, don’t underestimate the power of prioritizing on-time completion – it could be the key to your solar success.

The growing demand for minerals to support the green energy technologies

The increasing need for battery minerals is primarily driven by the growing demand for batteries, especially in the automotive and renewable energy sectors. Battery minerals, also known as critical minerals or battery metals, are essential components of rechargeable batteries used in electric vehicles (EVs), portable electronics, and energy storage systems. Here are some key factors contributing to the rising demand for battery minerals:

Electric Vehicles (EVs):

The global shift toward electric mobility, driven by concerns about environmental sustainability and the need to reduce carbon emissions, has led to a surge in demand for electric vehicles. Lithium, cobalt, nickel, and graphite are crucial components in the batteries that power these vehicles.

Renewable Energy Storage:

The increasing adoption of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, has created a need for efficient energy storage solutions. Large-scale battery storage systems, used to store excess energy generated during peak production for later use, require significant amounts of battery minerals.

Portable Electronics:

The proliferation of smartphones, laptops, tablets, and other portable electronic devices contributes to the demand for lightweight and high-energy-density batteries. Lithium-ion batteries, which contain lithium and other minerals, are commonly used in these devices.

Grid-Scale Energy Storage:

As grid-scale energy storage projects become more prevalent, the demand for batteries capable of storing and releasing large amounts of energy efficiently is on the rise. This trend further increases the demand for battery minerals.

Technology Advancements:

Ongoing advancements in battery technology, such as the development of solid-state batteries, may require new or additional materials. Research and development efforts to enhance battery performance often drive demand for alternative or advanced battery minerals.

Government Policies and Incentives:

Government initiatives and policies aimed at promoting electric vehicles, renewable energy, and energy storage can significantly influence the demand for battery minerals. Incentives, subsidies, and regulations can accelerate the adoption of technologies that rely on these minerals.

Supply Chain Challenges:

The supply chain for battery minerals is often subject to challenges, including geopolitical issues, supply concentration in certain regions, and concerns about ethical sourcing. These challenges can impact the availability and pricing of battery minerals.

Investment and Exploration:

Increasing investment in mining and exploration activities focused on battery minerals is driven by the anticipation of growing demand. Companies are exploring new sources and technologies to extract and process these minerals more efficiently.

Popular battery minerals include:

  • Lithium: Mainly used in lithium-ion batteries.
  • Cobalt: Used in some lithium-ion batteries.
  • Nickel: Used in various battery chemistries, including nickel-cobalt-aluminum (NCA) and nickel-manganese-cobalt (NMC).
  • Graphite: Used in the anodes of lithium-ion batteries.
  • Manganese: Used in various battery chemistries, such as lithium-manganese-oxide (LMO) and NMC.

As the demand for electric vehicles and renewable energy continues to rise, addressing the supply chain challenges and ensuring a sustainable and responsible sourcing of battery minerals become essential considerations for industry stakeholders.

Rooftop Solar Array At Maryland’s SoccerPlex in Montgomery County, Maryland

Gordian Energy Systems is pleased to announce the completion of a 595 kW DC solar array at the Maryland SoccerPlex in Boyds, Maryland.

Matt Libber, the Executive Director of this massive complex had an inspired idea a few years ago! The electrical utilization required to run a first-rate facility was significant and growing.  Mr. Libber decided to explore a solar solution and contacted our A.J. Armstrong at Gordian Energy Systems. He wished to learn more about the options that could deliver the most favorable system and financing solution for the Maryland Soccer Foundation.

Working together on the most efficient solar layout, and the best financing solution, SoccerPlex partnered with New Energy Equity development for an interim PPA financing solution. And ultimately, a financial partnership was established with Madison Energy Infrastructure to support a long-term operation and ownership.

Gordian Energy Systems engineered the system, acquired the appropriate equipment, and then installed a system that consists of nearly 1,300 solar panels.

Gordian Energy Systems faced some challenges related to keeping a project progressing while the Fieldhouse continued to host daily activities and large weekend events. We wanted to provide a great project, performed safely and on-time, with minimum disruption to operations.

The result of the team’s strategy is a significant reduction in energy use, a greater reduction in operating costs, and an environmental statement for the SoccerPlex clients we can all be proud of.

The Maryland SoccerPlex boasts 24 professionally maintained fields and a 66,000 sq. foot fieldhouse. It is a popular venue for youth and amateur soccer as well as hosting a variety of other sports such as lacrosse, rugby, field hockey and ultimate frisbee. The SoccerPlex is currently home to two professional teams, the Maryland Bobcats of the National Independent Soccer League and Old Glory DC of Major League Rugby.  It is known for its high-quality facilities and resources that make it the go-to destination for regional soccer events.

Gordian Energy Systems is proud to have been the partner chosen for the exemplary project.

Why Solar Parking Canopies

Solar parking canopies are structures equipped with solar panels that are designed to provide both protection for parked vehicles and generate electricity from sunlight. These structures are typically installed in parking lots or open areas where they can harness solar energy while also offering additional benefits. Here are some key features and advantages of solar parking canopies:


Solar Panels:

Solar parking canopies are equipped with photovoltaic (PV) solar panels, which convert sunlight into electricity. These panels are often mounted on top of the canopy structure.

Canopy Structure:

The canopy itself provides shade for parked vehicles, offering protection from the sun and adverse weather conditions. The structure can vary in design, from simple overhead structures to more complex and architecturally integrated canopies.

Integrated Charging Stations:

Some solar parking canopies may include electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, allowing parked vehicles to recharge using the clean energy generated by the solar panels.

Energy Storage Systems:

To maximize the utilization of solar energy, some installations incorporate energy storage systems such as batteries. This allows for the storage of excess energy generated during the day for use during periods of low sunlight or high energy demand.

LED Lighting:

Solar parking canopies may include energy-efficient LED lighting, providing illumination for the parking area at night. These lighting systems can be integrated with motion sensors for increased efficiency.

Smart Grid Integration:

In advanced setups, solar parking canopies can be integrated into smart grids, allowing for better control, monitoring, and optimization of energy production and consumption.


  1. Renewable Energy Generation: Solar parking canopies contribute to the generation of renewable energy, reducing dependence on conventional power sources and lowering greenhouse gas emissions.
  2. Protection for Vehicles: The primary function of these structures is to provide shade for parked vehicles, protecting them from the sun’s rays and helping to maintain a cooler interior.
  3. Electric Vehicle Support: Solar parking canopies can support the growth of electric vehicles by providing a convenient location for charging stations, promoting the use of clean energy for transportation.
  4. Reduced Urban Heat Island Effect: By providing shade, solar parking canopies can help reduce the urban heat island effect, which is the tendency for urban areas to experience higher temperatures due to the concentration of heat-absorbing surfaces.
  5. Cost Savings: Over time, solar parking canopies can lead to cost savings on electricity bills, and in some cases, they may provide a return on investment.
  6. Promotion of Sustainable Practices: Solar parking canopies serve as a visible demonstration of a commitment to sustainability, making them a positive addition to environmentally conscious initiatives.

The design and implementation of solar parking canopies can vary based on factors such as the available space, energy needs, and budget considerations. These structures are becoming increasingly popular as organizations and municipalities seek ways to promote clean energy and sustainable practices.


Why Solar Parking Canopies

Solar parking canopies are structures equipped with solar panels that are designed to provide both protection for parked vehicles and generate electricity from sunlight. These structures are typically installed in parking lots or open areas where they can harness solar energy while also offering additional benefits. Here are some key features and advantages of solar parking canopies:


Solar Panels:

Solar parking canopies are equipped with photovoltaic (PV) solar panels, which convert sunlight into electricity. These panels are often mounted on top of the canopy structure.

Canopy Structure:

The canopy itself provides shade for parked vehicles, offering protection from the sun and adverse weather conditions. The structure can vary in design, from simple overhead structures to more complex and architecturally integrated canopies.

Integrated Charging Stations:

Some solar parking canopies may include electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, allowing parked vehicles to recharge using the clean energy generated by the solar panels.

Energy Storage Systems:

To maximize the utilization of solar energy, some installations incorporate energy storage systems such as batteries. This allows for the storage of excess energy generated during the day for use during periods of low sunlight or high energy demand.

LED Lighting:

Solar parking canopies may include energy-efficient LED lighting, providing illumination for the parking area at night. These lighting systems can be integrated with motion sensors for increased efficiency.

Smart Grid Integration:

In advanced setups, solar parking canopies can be integrated into smart grids, allowing for better control, monitoring, and optimization of energy production and consumption.


  1. Renewable Energy Generation: Solar parking canopies contribute to the generation of renewable energy, reducing dependence on conventional power sources and lowering greenhouse gas emissions.
  2. Protection for Vehicles: The primary function of these structures is to provide shade for parked vehicles, protecting them from the sun’s rays and helping to maintain a cooler interior.
  3. Electric Vehicle Support: Solar parking canopies can support the growth of electric vehicles by providing a convenient location for charging stations, promoting the use of clean energy for transportation.
  4. Reduced Urban Heat Island Effect: By providing shade, solar parking canopies can help reduce the urban heat island effect, which is the tendency for urban areas to experience higher temperatures due to the concentration of heat-absorbing surfaces.
  5. Cost Savings: Over time, solar parking canopies can lead to cost savings on electricity bills, and in some cases, they may provide a return on investment.
  6. Promotion of Sustainable Practices: Solar parking canopies serve as a visible demonstration of a commitment to sustainability, making them a positive addition to environmentally conscious initiatives.

The design and implementation of solar parking canopies can vary based on factors such as the available space, energy needs, and budget considerations. These structures are becoming increasingly popular as organizations and municipalities seek ways to promote clean energy and sustainable practices.

PV Solar Skins

Getting solar installed can help lower your energy bill. However, some customers find the black and blue panels unappealing and don’t like how they stand out on the roof.

To address this issue, companies are developing solar skins that disguise the solar panels with an alternative or even custom design. For example, if the solar panels are installed on a shingle roof, this custom cover could disguise them as ordinary shingles. This solar skin can match the existing shingles, minimizing the panels’ visual impact on the roof. As the solar industry continues to grow and innovate, these types of creative solutions will help overcome objections and make roof-mounted PV solar arrays more attractive.

Using Licensed Electricians to Solar your Commercial Building

Are you considering solar power for your commercial building? If so, it’s essential to ensure that you work with licensed electrical contractors for the installation and maintenance of your solar PV system.

When it comes to installing a commercial solar array, the expertise, and qualifications of the electrical contractors you choose can make all the difference. Licensed electrical contractors possess the necessary skills and knowledge to handle complex electrical work. They have undergone rigorous training and certifications, guaranteeing that they are up to date with safety codes and regulations related to solar installations.

Using licensed electrical contractors for your commercial solar project ensures that the installation and maintenance of your solar system will be executed safely and efficiently. These professionals are well-versed in the specific requirements for solar installations, including proper wiring, grounding, and protection against electrical hazards. They also have access to the latest technologies and practices in the solar industry, allowing them to offer expert advice and guidance based on their experience working with different solar systems.

To become a licensed electrical contractor in the solar industry, professionals must meet specific requirements set by regulatory bodies. These requirements typically include completing relevant coursework, accumulating a certain number of work hours under a licensed professional, and passing comprehensive exams. By obtaining a license, electrical contractors demonstrate their commitment to upholding industry standards and ensuring the safety and quality of their work.

It’s important to note that licensing requirements may vary depending on the jurisdiction. Before hiring an electrical contractor for your commercial solar project, always verify their license and ensure that it is valid and up to date.

Licensed electrical contractors have a deep understanding of solar technologies and practices. 

These professionals can assess your energy needs, evaluate your building’s suitability for solar, and design a system that maximizes efficiency and performance. They have experience working with different solar technologies and can guide you in selecting the most suitable components for your specific requirements. This ensures that your commercial solar system is optimized to generate the maximum amount of clean energy and provide the best return on investment.

A licensed electrical contractor will ensure a quality solar installation, completed on time and generating power and savings for the stakeholders.

Maintaining Solar PV systems: IV Curve Trace and Aerial Thermography

The industry’s best practice for testing the performance of solar panels has been to perform an IV Curve Trace test through the strings. This testing could help identify broken modules, improper polarity, correct number of panels per string, as well as identify loss due to soiling or shading. However, as system sizes get larger it becomes harder and more tedious to test the balance of strings. Performing an Aerial Thermography inspection via Drone and IR cameras has provided additional value to larger systems. Aerial Thermography can help identify hotspots, broken modules, underperforming strings, and potential losses through the use of its infrared cameras. By using Aerial Drone Thermography along with IV Curve Trace testing, service providers can provide higher clarity with larger sites, and identify potential issues quicker, while maximizing their customer’s investment by minimizing downtime.

Now is the Right Time to Cover your Lot in Solar

The use of solar energy has been increasing rapidly over the years. It is renewable, reliable, and an affordable source of energy. One specific area where solar energy is proving to be beneficial is in parking lots. Solar parking canopies are becoming more common and for good reasons. They are not only environmentally friendly, but they also offer a range of cost-saving benefits.

Solar Parking Canopies

By now you’ve certainly seen quite a few solar parking canopy installations. The structure is one that covers a parking lot and uses solar panels to generate electricity. Solar parking canopies are gaining popularity because they can provide shade for parked cars while also generating clean energy. In addition, they can be used to power nearby buildings or even be connected to the grid.

Benefits of Solar Parking Canopies

Solar parking canopies offer a range of benefits beyond energy and environment. Solar parking canopies can provide shade for parked cars, reducing the amount of heat that enters the car and making it more comfortable for drivers and passengers. Moreover, solar parking canopies can help to reduce the urban heat island effect, which is when cities are significantly warmer than their surrounding rural areas. This is because the canopies reduce the amount of sunlight that hits the pavement, which in turn, reduces the amount of heat that is absorbed by the pavement.

The Rise of Solar Energy in Parking Lots

The use of solar energy in parking lots has been on the rise in recent years. Building campuses, shopping areas, airport lots and more are seeing the financial and environmental benefits and implementing the programs. Moreover, many cities and states have implemented policies and incentives to encourage the use of solar energy, including in parking lots. For example, some cities offer tax credits or rebates for businesses that install solar on parking canopies. In Maryland, there have been recent annual grants for
solar and charging station combinations. These policies and incentives have helped to spur the growth of solar energy.

Case Studies of Successful Solar Parking Canopy Installations

There are many successful solar parking canopy installations around the world. One example is the solar parking canopy at the Philadelphia Navy Yard. This canopy covers over 1,000 parking spots and generates over 1.6 million kilowatt-hours of electricity each year. Another example is the solar parking canopy at the University of California, San Diego. This canopy covers over 400 parking spots and generates over 500 kilowatts of electricity.

Future Trends in Solar Parking Canopies
The future of solar parking canopies looks bright. As the cost of solar panels continues to decrease and government incentives become more prevalent, we can expect to see more businesses and institutions implement solar parking canopies. Consider being a part of the movement. Delight your customers and employees while saving energy costs.