Paper thin solar cells
There was a recent development in the science of solar panels. A new paper thin solar cell was developed by researchers, and although it is still in its preliminary stages, the technology presents a myriad of possibilities and applications. Imagine installing this paper thin solar cell on your cell phone to charge it. Perhaps these paper thin solar cells could be stitched into articles of clothing to charge your devices while you are on the go. One proposed idea was ...
Three reasons to not install commercial rooftop solar
While commercial rooftop solar has many benefits, it may not be the right choice for every business. Here are three reasons why a business may choose not to install commercial rooftop solar: 1. Upfront Costs: One of the biggest barriers to installing commercial rooftop solar is the upfront cost. Solar panel installations can be expensive, and it may take several years for a business to recoup its investment through energy savings. Some businesses may not have the capital to make ...
3 reasons that make commercial rooftop solar a no-brainer
Commercial rooftop solar is becoming increasingly popular among businesses for many reasons. Here are three key reasons why it is a no-brainer for your facility: 1. Cost Savings: Installing a commercial rooftop solar system can result in significant cost savings for your facility. Solar energy is much cheaper than traditional grid electricity and businesses can lock in a fixed electricity rate for years to come, helping them to plan and manage their budgets effectively. Additionally, commercial solar systems are eligible ...
Removing and Replacing Solar Panels on a Commercial Roof
Installing solar panels on a commercial roof is a great way to generate clean energy and reduce bills. However, over time, solar panels may need to be removed and replaced due to a variety of reasons. These often include needing a new roof or performing a major repair. The first step in the process is to assess the condition of the current panels. This includes evaluating the age and condition of the current panels, as well as the structures on ...
Spring Cleaning for Solar PV
As the days begin to warm with spring around the corner, many will start spring cleaning. If you own a PV solar array, what steps can you take to perform a “spring cleaning”? One step is to clean off your modules. By cleaning the dirt and debris off of solar panels, you can increase the total yield of the system. In addition, having your O&M provider perform annual site maintenance checks will help maximize your system’s output as we move ...