Solar’s Constantly Changing Technology

Many solar industry professionals with over ten years of experience have seen massive technology changes over the last decade. As many systems are now reaching tenure, we have a unique opportunity to look back at these older technologies and see how far we have come. Here are Gordian Energy’s Top Five Technology Changes over the last decade.

#5: Storage

Storage technologies have allowed us to offset peak hour demand and will be a driving force in the industry’s continued innovation.

#4: Community Solar Gardens

Adaptation to different markets’ ability to support NET Metering and customer-owned generation infrastructure has shaped legislation around the country. This delivers an ever-expanding opportunity to reach more customers with renewable technology options.

#3: DC System Voltages (600 volt to 1500 volt)

Our industry has supplied the greatest number of significant changes to the National Electric Code in a decade. Our innovation in using higher DC voltages to increase system performance has had a rippling effect across North America’s entire electrical industry.

#2: Inverters:

From central, string, and micro-inverters. Advancements in inverter technologies have allowed us to value engineer systems and increase system efficiencies.

#1: Modules:

Increases in wattage and global manufacturing have been the driving force in revolutionizing the industry. Experimentation with a thin film, cylindrical, and bifacial technologies, as well as advancements in material sciences, have allowed the industry almost to double our outputs.

Solar Revenue Forecasting and Changing Models

Any customer looking to build a commercial or industrial solar array uses PV Production Modeling to estimate their system’s Annual Production. With this data, they are able to determine their return on investment and payback period, i.e. “how long it will take for the system to produce enough electricity to pay for itself.” However, the accuracy of production modeling is affected by the accuracy of the weather data, 3D models, and equipment data the model uses. As the solar industry continues to grow and utilize new technologies, leading companies will continue to improve upon the accuracy of modeling to maximize their client’s return on investment.

Don’t let solar supply chain issues delay your project!

Global supply chain issues continue to present challenges to the Solar Industry. The Industry’s unique financing and operational milestone structure have made these supply chain issues distinctly harmful to successful project deployment.  The major component delays of modules, inverters, and switchgears are complicated now by pressure being felt on the balance of system components as well.  Gordian Energy Systems can assist in overcoming these challenges by clustering projects and engineering uniformed designs. This approach allows us to increase the purchasing power of the portfolio, reduce the balance of system costs, and better negotiate scheduling.